Friday, May 1, 2015

The Pure Truth - When We Want to Acheive It

Every day I ask myself, what can I do to get rich? The answer is always distorted. Open a retaurant, play the lottery, hollywood actor myself, being a famous singer, making a Youtube video to have as many "views" that exploits my account ... Anyway, thousands of ideas that once you begin to chase, They fade as fast as you came to mind.

But why so many people being achieved. As they do and do so well. The reality is that it was not as easy as it sounds. The most watched video on Youtube, " Gangman Style "singer PSY , was the result of a career of 10 years, prior to the release of the video that made ​​him famous internationally. These people often are not chasing the get rich with video, they are pursuing a larger dream, and the video is another means to achieve it. And if you do you are doing well, many people will see it and many people share.

That's why we want to achieve is that when we find it so difficult. First, because we want to look within ourselves, what really excites us. What is our reason for being. That is what motivates us to continue. We wrap ourselves in our everyday lives and not stop to think, things would be like if we change some behaviors or habits that we are'll slow it down or keep us moving forward. Success requires hard work and dedication, not to dream. Every time, you have to work and devote yourself completely to achieve it.

The truth is that, it is simple, but we, thanks to external pressures, complicate it. As the body asks for rest to recover and continue, life frenemos and asks us to meditate on the steps we have taken and how best to take the steps that follow.

I invite you to when you feel something is wrong or that you must evaluate something to improve, stop and look around, assess what happened, what would you have done differently and the next time, have the courage to execute the correction of your performance . more complete and utter You will live and if you do it very dedicatedly, most likely succeed than many people realize and share and can be as famous com PSY.