Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The #1 cause of premature aging, achy joints, and mental decline

There are many harmful things in our food supply that cause premature aging, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and even mental decline...

A couple obvious culprits that you already know are sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and trans fats.

But in today’s newsletter, I want to talk to you about a serious dietary problem that nearly everyone reading this article is facing right now, at this very moment. In fact, this dietary “imbalance” is being recognized by leading medical professionals around the world as a major contributor to the increasing frequency of joint pain and discomfort, slowed metabolism, declined heart health, weight gain, premature aging, skin conditions, mood swings, and even memory and mental focus issues amongst the human race today.

What am I talking about?

I’m talking about the harsh reality is that the typical Western diet, and even many so-called “healthy” diet plans, contain far too many inflammation-promoting Omega-6 fatty acids and not nearly enough anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acids.

You see, the ideal dietary ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids is approximately 1:1 to 2:1 at the most.

Unfortunately, due to an overconsumption of processed vegetable oils (found in baked goods, packaged foods, salad dressings, fast foods, and cooking oils), grain-fed meats, grain-fed dairy products, farmed fish, fried foods, and heavily refined grain products—all of which are loaded with Omega-6 fatty acids—the Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio of the typical American diet (plus any modern western diet in most countries) is an extremely unbalanced 25:1...

The result? Toxic Inflammation Overload that spreads throughout your body, destroys your health, and makes it nearly impossible for you to realize the weight loss goals that you are working so hard to achieve.

You see, ingestion of excessive Omega-6 fatty acids stimulates the release of pro-inflammatory molecules called eicosanoids. When these inflammatory molecules are continually present due to daily excessive Omega-6 intake, they essentially act as a persistent slow-burning fire that wreaks havoc on your insides and causes damage to the healthy tissues of your body—damage to cardiac tissue and blood vessels (causing your arterial walls to thicken and your blood passageways to narrow), joint tissue, gut lining, endocrine glands, skin, and even brain tissue.

And if this weren’t enough, too much Omega-6 in your diet also suppresses your immune system, making you much more susceptible to illness and disease.

Knowing that, and also knowing that you yourself are very likely suffering from far too many inflammation-promoting Omega-6 fatty acids in your diet (due to their overwhelming presence in the vast majority of foods today), you’re probably wondering what you can do to improve your “Omega Balance” and rid your body of the dangerous, toxic inflammation that these extremely common fatty acids are creating within your body’s most vital cells, even now as you’re reading this message…

Fortunately, there are 4 somewhat odd, but extremely effective strategies you can begin using today that will ultimately end your struggle with unbalanced omegas and Toxic Inflammation Overload once and for all, and finally allow you to get your health back, realize your full potential, an experience the excitement of living a life full of vibrance and vitality once again.

You'll learn all 4 of these inflammation-busting strategies on the next page

To your health,

Mike Geary Certified Nutrition Specialist Certified Personal Trainer

Posted via Blogaway

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